admin / April 13, 2023

Society, Stereotypes, Second Chances: Addicts and The Employment Challenge

Suzie J is a single working mom who has been in recovery for 11 years. She has not had a drink or a drug since 2002. In the past decade not only has she paid off all of her fines for the shoplifting charges she incurred while in the throes of addiction, she has also made individual amends to each of the stores she stole from in keeping with her 12 step program.After two years of clean time and struggling with low paying, physically demanding jobs, Suzie returned to school and pursued post secondary education to increase her opportunities. She was fortunate to land a job in a socially conscious non profit organization that hired her with full knowledge of her past. Suzie stayed with this organization for 6 years, working her way from entry level receptionist to programming director.Without warning, the organization’s funding dried up and it had to close it’s doors. Suzie was given a glowing letter of recommendation to assist in her job search.Suzie has been searching for work ever since… for over a year now. She has landed multitudes of interviews due to her experience and recommendations. She is well spoken and composed at meetings with hiring managers and HR people. Initially her interviews always go well; however, as soon as she replies truthfully as to whether she has a criminal record, the opportunities are swiftly withdrawn.After living a drug free and productive life for 11 years, plus having had a stellar career as programming director, and as a currently active community volunteer, Suzie states, ” It is terribly frustrating and discouraging to be denied jobs that I am actually overqualified for because I shoplifted in 2002 when I was still in the grips of my disease and very desperate “.”I am fortunate that I have already been living in sobriety for so long. I don’t know if I would have made it through all the rejection and disappointments if I was an addict or alcoholic in early sobriety” she adds.”I can see why some people just give up trying to fit in to society… on some days it just seems impossible”Suzie admits that even with her strong recovery program, it is getting harder to tell the truth at interviews, especially when it’s a job she really wants. It becomes a very tough call for her. Although honesty is the mainstay of her recovery from addiction, so is having a job to support her family.Myths and stereotypesOur culture perpetuates fear based stereotypes about addicts and routinely closes doors on people who are genuinely trying to rebuild their lives. This same society that continuously shouts the importance of overcoming drug and alcohol addiction and puts the onus on addicts to become ‘contributing members of society’, regularly denies giving people the opportunity to do just that!A study by the Ontario Human Rights Commission entitled “Minds That Matter” exposes the painful reality of what it is like to be a recovering addict or alcoholic searching for employment in Ontario. One survey shows that between one-third and one-half of people with psycho-social or addiction issues report being turned down for a job for which they were qualified, had experienced dismissal or were forced to resign. Those who do manage to enter the workforce are routinely hired in low-wage, low skill jobs with few prospects for advancement or stability. Quite often menial jobs well beneath the jobseeker’s skill level are taken out of desperation… a tough blow to a hypersensitive self-esteem.Many addicts are subjected to hiring processes that ask questions about people’s medical history for jobs that do not require this knowledge. Many individuals in recovery are also asked if they have ever been arrested and are at a disadvantage immediately.Dr Adi Jaffe, a renown addiction consultant and executive director of Alternatives Behavioral Health and lecturer at UCLA wrote a 2012 article published on CNN health entitled, “5 Damaging Myths about Addiction… “In this article he shared his own challenges in overcoming the stigma attached to being in recovery. Despite the fact that Jaffe had already received a P.H.D., has been clean and sober for more than 10 years, and had already undergone three years of previous drug testing he was still required to finish another 3 years of testing before he could earn his psychology license. This attitude of suspicion, labelling and condemning addicts as ‘unsalvageable’is disturbing and very discouraging to those fighting for a better life.Jaffe states, “Addiction is plagued by myths and misinformation that were created to scare our children away from drugs. But these haven’t succeeded and have actually made it harder for addicts to return to a normal life… “The myth that causes greatest damage to a recovered/recovering person’s chances for employment is the assumption by many non-addicts that active addiction is a lifetime condition, that addicts and alcoholics will always be obsessed with using or drinking.”This simply isn’t true,” Jaffe continues, “and it places a huge emotional and psychological burden on recovered addicts. Addiction is on a spectrum, like depression, and every person is different. While there are plenty of cases where addicts struggle for years to overcome drug addiction, many more cases reveal the opposite- users who manage to put the past behind them and lead normal and productive lives. “Equally destructive is our culture’s deeply ingrained idea that former drug and alcohol abusers are “damaged goods” who are unable to function normally, follow directions or be reliable workers, prompting employers to widely discriminate against addicts in their hiring practices.Freshly out of the darkness of alcoholism or addiction, hope for the future and for a better life is the motivating light that keeps people in recovery. Getting a job is an essential ingredient in successful rehabilitation. Sadly, systemic discrimination and repeated employment rejection often destroys hope and, in some sad cases, can actually drive people back to the familiar world of drugs and alcohol.The Ontario Human Rights Commission states that work, paid or unpaid, is a fundamental part of realizing dignity, self-determination and a person’s full potential in society. In this province there is legislation designed to protect employment seekers from discrimination based on disability, which includes addictions. However, the truth of the matter is that even with legislation in place discrimination remains widespread. If the person has a criminal record due to past actions while under the influence of drugs or alcohol during active addiction, she is usually turned away before even having a chance to prove her ability or explain her circumstances.Experts in treatment and recovery estimate that when a recovering addict is honest about her past, she will still get turned down for a job 75 % of the time, despite the fact that our Human Rights legislation outlaws these practices. These bigoted practices continue to flourish, primarily because few recovering addicts want to fight it, most don’t have the confidence or resources and many are not even aware that they have rights under the code. At the end of the day, most addicts/alcoholics just want to move forward with their lives.Addiction is a complex issue that overrides other factors including qualification for the position. The negative stigma attached to the word ‘addiction’ has an impact on the employer’s attitude because, simply, the employers’ goal is to hire the best person for the job. In the employer’s mind hiring an addict may mean that perhaps more effort has to go into watching and supervising the new employee and in being prepared with a contingency plan… just in case. Adding to the problem is the continued bad press about addicts and alarming relapse statistics, including a recent American survey of people in recovery that found that 46 % had relapsed, and of those, 30% had slipped several times.For people who aren’t familiar with the process of recovery, and who have fallen prey to addict stereotypes portrayed on TV and in the movies, the real or imagined potential cost and counter productive consequences of hiring an employee who may relapse is a very big barrier to overcome. In most cases, if an employer has a choice between hiring an addict or a non addicted individual for the same position, the employer will go for the person who is not addicted.It is a delicate matter. While on the one hand, addicts need to be able to access gainful employment, employers do need to be able to make good hiring decisions for their business.Creating opportunity and productivity togetherHow can the business community and the recovery community work together to create opportunity and productivity for both sides? The answer lies in education and incentives.First of all, employers need to be shown the value in hiring recovering addicts otherwise there will be no reason for them to consider it. The benefits must be presented in a way that would enable hirers to see that there is an entire wealth of skilled, experienced employees in the recovery community, eager and willing to work with a heightened sense of responsible and honesty.Employers and the public in general need a better knowledge of the recovery process. Most importantly is the knowledge that while,on a rare occasion, a worker may relapse, the longer he is in recovery the less likely he is to go back to his former destructive lifestyle. Chances are with the right encouragement and a secure job, he’ll stay in recovery like the thousands of other gainfully employed Canadian addicts who are quietly getting on with their lives and whom are good, reliable, trustworthy workers. Most addicts are genuinely thankful for their job opportunities and willing to work very hard to express their gratitude. Mutual understanding and respect creates a win -win situation.People in recovery and with criminal records must take the time to know their rights. It is imperative to learn what disability-related information a person is required to provide and which questions are unlawful. Job seekers must learn to not be afraid to refuse to answer inappropriate questioning. Many addicts do not know that they do not have to disclose a diagnosis of addiction to an employer and consequently end up shooting themselves in the foot during an interview.Equally as important is education for employers around the criminal records issue. Statistics show that approximately 13 percent of all Canadians have a criminal record. The majority percentage of those record holders are addicts/ alcoholics. Although these are usually minor offences committed during active addiction, they become major obstacles to getting hired.It is common to see someone convicted of something as trivial as stealing a pack of cheese 10 years ago being refused an entry level job in an unrelated environment like a call center. As soon as employers hear the words ‘criminal record’, they often think of major crimes and immediately make a decision not to hire, when in reality most addict crimes are petty crimes of poverty and desperation. In order to break the systemic rejection of people with records, it is important for individuals to stand up to unfair practices.Employers and addicts should know that record of offense is a protected ground under the Ontario Human Rights Code. There are guidelines to help job seekers and employers to understand what can be asked and what falls under the category of discrimination.Finally, an incentive tax break program should be developed that would reward employers who open their doors to former addicts who are have been rehabilitated and are trying to rebuild their lives.Pro active government wage subsidies applicable to hiring rehabilitated addicts would also encourage more businesses to take advantage of the employable resources in this demographic.Quite regularly we hear negative stories of how addicts have broken the law, of how they have fallen asleep on the job or have gotten in major trouble at the workplace. Sadly, we never get to see a front page headline that reads, “recovered lady alcoholic wins employee of the month award at prestigious advertising agency “or former crack cocaine addict puts in overtime to help develop health care strategies for underprivileged kids” but… that IS what thousands of people in recovery do on a daily basis.

admin / April 13, 2023

Helping a Family Member or Friend With Drug Abuse and Addiction Problems

Everyone around an addict knows that he or she needs help with addiction, but often the addict cannot see it. Many die just like that. Our goal is to try to provide the family with as much information as possible regarding the intervention process.An addict often knows in the back of his heart that he or she needs help to break the cycle for enough time to receive the necessary help. An example that is very common is when an addict encounters a major problem (for example they arrest him, throw him out of his house, lose his job) and at that moment he is perfectly willing to discuss his addiction with his loved ones. Unfortunately, if this opportunity is not quickly taken advantage of, the desire to consume the drug and the overwhelming environment will force the individual to use it again and it will be some time before he or she finds the strength to embrace rehabilitation.What are the reasons for the addict?The addict has things in their past or in their present that seem like devastating events that have something to do with substance addiction. An example is an addict who has lost his best friends because of his addiction. Another example is a person who loses his wife and child for drug abuse. A family member can look at the life of the addict and see hundreds of reasons why the addict should give up drugs, but unfortunately these reasons are not REAL for the addict. There are, however, problems that the addict finds to be real or significant in the life of the addict, which the addict sees as reasons for giving up the use of drugs. It is important to identify these because they can be used during the intervention to remind the addict why they should seek help.What pressure does the addict feel now?The addict does not necessarily have the same reality about his addiction as the non-addicts may have. For example, he or she may have half serious health problems, no friend or work or income, but feel like things are “more or less okay.” Many addicts have actually overdosed and been close to death, and are using drugs the very next day. This may seem crazy, but it is actually only part of the addict’s pain.With this in mind, the addict occasionally encounters additional pressure, which forces him to make a real decision on whether he gets help or continues to use. Pending legal fees that can easily lead to jail, threats to lose your husband or wife, loss of pending work, are all possible situations that can put enough pressure on the addict to fight drug abuse and addiction, and seek help.Although a particular one may not work in your situation, there are pressures that may have weight and that will help stimulate the addict to a decision to seek help. It is easy to assume that the addict is simply “trying to avoid going to jail” or some other evaluation that is in many cases true. The fact is that an addict will only seek help when someone or something pulls him out of his “comfort zone of addiction” and forces him to make a decision. Addicts with access to money, a place to live, and people who agree with their use and no legal problem rarely seek help. They “have no problems”. It is very important to understand this and will be crucial in any attempt to intervene.Who should be there to help?One of the biggest considerations in the intervention is choosing who will be there. We must think this matter out in advance. The number of people present is less important than who is there. If possible, the person the addict respects the most must be present. This person is an opinion leader for the addict and has to be there to give full support to the fact that the person receives help and should be well-informed about the actual agenda.As many family members as possible should be there as long as each and every one of them fully agrees about the fact that the person needs help and supports the overall agenda. If there is someone antagonistic in the family against the addict and is not able to control themselves from presenting arguments and accusations, then you may consider leaving that person off.Generally, the addict has many enemies and has done wrong to the majority of the family but the arguments and the indisposition do not benefit the cause of making the addict seek treatment. In fact, it usually results in preventing this from happening because the focus of attention is placed on the discussion and not on the issue that concerns us.There are also ways to introduce the addict through some 24/7 Helpline support. This kind of support passively drives the addict to realize their problems have solutions, motivating him or her to take the first step.